Migrating Biofilm Carriers: A Sustainable Process Intensification Technology
Process intensification (PI) continues to gain ground in water reuse applications for its ability to enhance existing wastewater treatment processes — improving efficiency, reducing costs and minimizing environmental impact all within the same or smaller footprint. To unlock these and other benefits, however, successful PI requires the proper integration of technologies to optimize intensification efforts. Biofilm technologies have become one of the most sought-after approaches in the realm of PI.
Here, we present a novel technology called migrating biofilm carriers (MBC), which combines several benefits of non-migrating or non-mainstream biofilm technologies that were used before the development of this exciting process technology.
What Are Migrating Biofilm Carriers?
Applicable in both municipal and industrial wastewater facilities, MBCs are dispersible and settleable materials used as biofilm growth substrates. They move with the process flow throughout the treatment cycle and are not confined to any specific treatment stages. The migrating property of the MBCs supports the growth of biofilms while improving sludge settleability in the settling phases in most mainstream processes.
MBCs, like all other conventional biofilm technologies, increase the surface area available for the biofilms to grow. What sets them apart, however, is their ability to move with the main treatment flow without any major modifications to the existing processes — increasing the sustainability and accessibility of treatment upgrades for facilities of any size.
About Arxtera miGRATE™ MBC Technology
Taking the advantages of this PI process even further, we’ve developed a fully customizable, compostable and environmentally friendly MBC technology, called miGRATE™. It features highly engineered carriers designed to have specific physical properties that facilitate their movement and ensure both even distribution and optimal contact with the wastewater.
Here’s how it works. We designed each carrier’s outer layer from biodegradable polymers with the inner core consisting of natural fibers. The carriers come in even shapes, densities, structures and specific gravities, which we specify by adding a natural mineral densifier. The carriers also feature a high specific surface area to support intensified biofilm growth. The engineered size, shape and specific gravity enable the carriers to move efficiently with process flows into clarifiers, improving sludge settling.
Here’s a rundown of some of the benefits of this green MBC solution:
- Increases treatment capacity by 2x to 8x.
- Available as an easy, low modification retrofit for existing facilities.
- Limits engineering and implementation costs and time.
- Improves simultaneous nutrient removal (SNR) and reduces chemical demand.
- Improves sludge settleability and sludge volume index (SVI).
- Low maintenance.
Get Started With miGRATE
At Arxtera, we have over 15 years of experience in the migrating carrier and PI market. Our team of experts even holds seven separate process patents with an emphasis on migrating biofilm carriers, PI and granulation.
To learn more about the ways we can deliver an optimized wastewater treatment solution using miGRATE and our other sustainable water technologies, contact us today.